Posted by: VoiceinRecovery | January 13, 2011

Love Your Flawz

I know I am probably the last person to come across this website – Love Your Flawz – but I found it’s absolutely wondering and inspiring and just HAD to share it with you all!!! My mom had seen a video on AOL, and was sharing her reactions to it, gave me the link, and was listening to the song as we were speaking. I would like to thank my mom for sharing with me!  This is an amazing website created by Caitlin Crosby and Brie Larson and it is “a place to share all of your amazing, unique flaws. Our mission is to help all of us learn to love and embrace them…imperfect is the new perfect.”

Caitlin has a song called all about Flawz – so please check it out here!

If you want to see an intro to Caitlin, and why she created Love Your Flawzplease watch this recent video.

I found it so honest for her to talk about the amount of people she had met who had hated their body, had eating disorders, and she truly wanted to inspire people to embrace who they are, flaws and all.

I loved absolutely EVERY part of this website. I loved that people could post pictures and could post blogs sharing their struggles and protest of ideals, and accepting who they are, flawz and all!

As a body image advocate I LOVE body acceptance and find flaws beautiful! I know many may struggle with this idea, but I love that Caitlin and Brie have created a safe place for people to embrace their individual unique selves!

How many times do we self pick apart our body, whether it be our scars, acne, thighs, skin, hair, butt, stomach, and every other body part???? I know I sure did and still have days where I have to smack that voice (it never wins).

I loved so many of the honest inspiring blog posts on this website from people all over! Here are a few of my favorites:

“I’m Done with all the Self Hatred”

 I’m done with all the hatred with having to look perfect! i want people to stop judging me about everything! i want to be myself.
I want to stop seeing my reflection in the mirrors staring back at me showing me something else to change about myself.

I hate having to put makeup and products in my hair to please people and to just please myself by the way i look!

This isn’t want what i want. I need to love my flawz and im learning to Love Myself…

Kellie/15yrs kellielizabeth1

“Now I am an Adult”

I am determined to raise my daughter in a world where beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. I want her to know that everyone is beautiful – and she is gorgeous because she is herself. Flaws and all.
Erin Kempfert

I saw a lot of entries from teens but this one touched me from a woman in her 40s:

I wonder if I am the only one in my 40’s to join this site, but when I heard about it I was very excited because for many years I did not like myself at all How I wish there was a sight like this when I was younger..I was always trying to improve myself someway, somehow. I was NEVER pretty enough. I would look in the mirror and I thought I had a big nose. I am naturally dark brown hair, with brown eyes, but I would color my hair blond, then week later go back brown, I did this constantly, until my hair was so damaged I had to cut it all off! I always wanted to look like someone else. Then I was really depressed! I was too skinny, and I had psoriasis on my arms and legs, and anybody with psoriasis can understand how hard it is to feel pretty. It took me a long time to accept myself, and to stop looking in magazines and comparing myself to everyone else The more I was unhappy with myself the uglier I became-you need to look in that mirror and LOVE who is looking back at you!.I needed to accept me, and once that happened I glowed with beauty beyond words! I love who I am today, nobody can be me. God made me Perfect and God made YOU PERFECT! I hope I can help anybody out there, please don’t wait till your in your 40’s to love yourself, and if you are in your 40’s ,50’s,60’s it’s never to late.

All of these people have inspired me and am thankful to Caitlin for her song and this website – have they inspired you???? If so, please visit their website, add your own entry and claim ownership in the beauty of your flaws!



  1. I have recently gone from a size 12 to a size 6 (though at one time I was an size 18+), and though I have finally gotten to where I like the way I look, there is still a part of me that has gotten even pickier about the way that I look. There are days (like today) that I get very nit-picky about certain parts of my body that I would like “less” of. But I know that I should be happy with myself, b/c before I would have been ecstatic to just be a size 6! Sometimes it gets to be a battle with the head of what you should know and think and then what you feel.

  2. thanks for posting this website!!

    Dana xo

  3. […] Voice in Recovery, Love Your Flawz […]

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